Montana / Laurence Makarian


Laurence Markarian

Address: 829 Pheasant Run, Hamilton, MT 59840
Phone: (406) 218-8576


Safety - Natural disasters - Emergencies

- * Refer to the safety instructions for the consular district of northwestern states by clicking [].

- * Consult the information and safety instructions of your state’s US authorities by clicking [].

Useful Contacts list - Lawyers, doctors, translators


Dr. BULGER Thomas
210 East Beckwith
Missoula, MT 59801
Tel: 406-543-0302
Fax: 406-542-1234

Montana Chamber of Commerce

Montana Chamber of Commerce

900 Gibbon Street
P. 1730
Helena, Montana 59624
Tel: (406) 442-2405
Fax: (406) 442-2409

A non-exhaustive list of other local Chambers of Commerce in Montana is available at: [].

The Montana French Alliances

The Alliance Française is a non-profit cultural and educational organization. This chapter supports French and Francophone programs developed in secondary and higher education. In addition to numerous French or Francophone activities and conferences, the Alliance Française de Missoula co-sponsors Middle Eastern film festivals and multi-cultural conferences.

This local chapter of the Alliance Française develops programs and activities for all audiences and its mission is to promote French and Francophone cultures in the region. It offers cultural and social events, and resources on the French language and Francophone cultures.

This Alliance also develops French language programs.

Find all the information on French classes and events organized by this Alliance on:

Missoula French Alliance
P.O. Box 1394
Missoula, MT 59806
Courriel :

French Alliance of Bozeman
French Alliance of Bozeman
1215 N Pinecrest
BOZEMAN, MT - 59715
Tel. (406) 586-1728

Useful links

Montana Association of Language Teachers

Last modified on 13/02/2024

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